the project Collection management software


This software can manage data from disparate taxonomic groups (plants, mammals, birds, fishes, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and fossiles from vertebrates and plants).

This software is being developed by the Kansas University and is being freely distributed.

Specify uses a great quantity of tables and relationships, and because of this complexity users cannot easily import data from other formats. However, Kansas University offers free support to accomplish this task - one just needs to send its own database to the Specify technical team to do the migration.

There are many features to assist collection curatory work. It is also a multiuser system. Another great advantage of working with Specify is the possibility to customize the database to suit collection needs by adding or removing fields from the main tables. It does not have any multimedia support.

Software analyzed on january 2003.

Institution: University of Kansas
Cost: free
URL: http://www.specifysoftware.org/
Taxonomic specificity: not targeted to any particular group

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