Converter is a tool developed by CRIA to assist in the conversion of different types of representations of geographic coordinates and DATUM's:

- Córrego Alegre
- South American Datum 1969 (SAD-69)
- World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84)
- Camacupa / Angola
*When the datum is unkown, we suggest the use of WGS-84.

It's possible to convert:

from UTM to degrees-minutes-seconds Input format
Zone/Area 23 / Hemisphere south
  Output format
longitude (E) latitude (N) longitude latitude
301039 7249314 46W 56' 40" 23S 13' 59"

from UTM to decimal degrees Input format
Zone/Area 23 / Hemisphere south
  Output format
longitude (E) latitude (N) longitude latitude
301039 7249314 -46.944448 -23.233063

from decimal degrees to degrees-minutes-seconds Input format   Output format
longitude latitude longitude latitude
-46.944448 -23.233063 46W 56' 40" 23S 13' 59"

from decimal degrees to UTM Input format   Output format
Zone/Area 23 / Hemisphere south
longitude latitude longitude (E) latitude (N)
-46.944448 -23.233063 301039 7249314

from degrees-minutes-seconds to UTM Input format   Output format
Zone/Area 23 / Hemisphere south
longitude latitude longitude (E) latitude (N)
46W 56' 40" 23S 13' 59" 301039 7249314

from degrees-minutes-seconds to decimal degrees Input format   Output format
longitude latitude longitude latitude
46W 56' 40" 23S 13' 59" -46.944448 -23.233063

All the conversions are made using the program CS2CS (PROJ.4 package) available at http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/wiki/man_cs2cs

Read more about UTM: A Projeção UTM no Brasil.

This tool is being tested. All suggestions and recommendations are welcome and may be sent to contact@cria.org.br

Discussion List
Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental, CRIA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo